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2010-11-18 14:27:23     来源:游戏堡     编辑:yxbao     我要留言

了解“共济会" "圣殿骑士团" 和 "美国" 之间关系就不难理解上面的纹身

附2:更加另外一种思路----审讯室电脑的账号和密码 懂点DOS命令的同学们可疑去查一下 隐藏着很多资料


简单指令:help 帮助指令
login 登陆
dir 查询文件
cat 打开文件

User: amason - Password: PASSWORD
User: asmith - Password: ROXY
The user account of Dr. Adrienne Smith.
User: bharris - Password: GOSKINS
The user account of Bruce Harris
User: dking - Password: MFK
The user account of D. King.
User: fwoods - Password: PHILLY
The user account of Frank Woods.
User: gweaver - Password: GEDEON
The user account of Grigori "Greg" Weaver.
User: hkissinger - Password: unknown
The user account of Henry Kissinger. Not listed via the who command, but has a /home directory.
User: jbowman - Password: UWD
The user account of Joseph Bowman.
User: jehoover - Password: unknown
The user account J. Edgar Hoover, The first director of the FBI from 1924 to 1972.
User: jfkennedy - Password: LANCER
The user account of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
User: jhudson - Password: BRYANT1950
The user account of Jason Hudson.
User: jmccone - Password: BERKLEY22
The user account of John A. McCone, Director of Central Intelligence 1961-1965.
User: jturner - Password CONDOR75
The user account of J. Turner.
User: lbjohnson - Password: LADYBIRD
The user account of President Lyndon Baines Johnson.
User: rhelms - Password: LEROSEY
The user account of Richard Helms, Director of the CIA from 1966 to 1973.
User: rjackson - . Password: SAINTBRIDGET
The user account of Ryan Jackson
User: rkain - Password: SUNWU
The user account of Richard Kain.
User: rnixon - password CHECKERS
The user account of President Richard Nixon
User: sagnew - Password: unknown
The user account of Nixon's Vice President Spiro Agnew. Not listed via the who command, but has a /home directory.
User: tbrooks - Password: LAUREN
The user account of Terrance Brooks.
User: twalker - Password: RADI0
The user account of T. Walker.
User: vbush - Password: MANHATTAN
The user account of Dr. Vannevar Bush.
User: wraborn - Password: BROMLOW
