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[资料] 暗黑破坏神3 beta后缀一览

2012-05-07 14:01:45     来源:游戏堡     编辑:yxbao     我要留言


Block 格挡
of the Tortoise 玳瑁之
of Deflection 歪曲之
of Interception 拦截之
of the Stronghold 要塞之
of Invulnerability 刀枪不入之

Thorns 反伤
of Thorns 荆棘之
of Rose 蔷薇之
of Spikes 尖刺之
of Quills 鹅毛笔之
of Blades 刃之
of Barbs 倒刺之
of Spines 针之
of Razors 剃刀之

Run 奔跑速度
of the Cheetah 猎豹之
of Expedition 远征之
of Haste 疾跑之
of the Journeyman 旅行家之
of the Swift Wind 疾风之
of the Courier 快递之
of Speed 速度之

Damage Resist 免伤
of the Tower 塔楼之
of Protection 保护之
of the Wall 墙壁之
of the Sentry 哨兵之
of Ramparts 堡垒之
of Castle 城堡之
of the Stronghold 大本营之
of the Barricade 壁垒之
of Fortification 工事之
of the Frotress 要塞之
of the Aegis 圣盾之
of the Ivory Tower 象牙塔之

Mana on Hit 命中回蓝
of the Bat 蝙蝠之
of Witchcraft 巫术之
of Craving 渴望之
of Draining 饮取之
of Devouring Inspiration 贪婪之欲之

Mana on Kill 击杀回蓝
of Decimation 屠杀之
of Veneance 复仇之
of Eradication 根除之
of Obliteration 抹杀之
of Annihilation 摧毁之

Life on Hit 命中回血
of the Leech 水蛭之
of Carnage 残杀之
of Gore 刺伤之
of Mangling 碾压之

Life on Kill 击杀回血
of Slaughter 屠戮之
of Phantoms 幻影之
of Mutilation 残缺之
of Extermination 灭绝之
of Conquest 征服之
of Terror 恐惧之

Health Globe Bouns 血球加成
of Recovery 恢复之
of the Adventurer 勇者之
of Euphoria 幸福之
of Ecstasy 销魂之
of Renewal 新生之
of Fortuity 偶遇之
of Vigor 精力之
of Renew Life 重生之
of Bloodthrist 血之渴求之

ResistStun 抗眩晕
of Insolence 傲慢之

ResistRoot 抗缠绕
of the Sergeant 中士之

ResistFreeze 抗冰冻
of Melting  融化之

Holy Damage 神圣伤害
of the Angels 天使之
of Devotion 奉献之
of Humility 人性之
of Smiting 重击之
of Grace 恩赐之
of Sanctity 圣洁之
of the Heavens 天界之

Attack 攻击
of the Lion 狮子之
of Invasion 侵袭之
of the Warlord 军阀之
of Assault 突袭之
of Strife 冲突之
of War 战争
of Death 死神之

Precision 精准
of the Hawk 雄鹰之
of Accuracy 准确之
of Insight 洞察之
of Harm 损害之
of Cruelty 残忍之
of Precision 精准之
of Pain 疼痛之
of Cleaving 劈裂之
of Pain Evisceration 开膛之
of Torment Obliteration 虐杀之

Defence 防御
of the Sentry Paranoia 戒备森严之
of the Sentry 警卫之
of Evasion 闪避之
of the Wary 机警之
of Protection 保护之
of the Aegis 圣盾之

Witchdoctor Damage 巫医伤害
of Bile 胆液之
of the Headhunter 猎头者之
of the Dead 死人之
of the Damned 诅咒之
of the Underworld 尘世之

Wizard Damage 巫师伤害
of the Owl 枭之
of the Moon 月之
of the Mind 精神之
of Miasma 瘴气之
of the Stars 星之
of Annihilation 摧毁之
of Infinity 无尽之

Max Discipline 戒律值上限
of the Wolf 狼之
of Clarity 清晰之
of Certainty 明确之
of Lucidity 清醒之

Sprit Regeneration 内力恢复
of the Tiger 虎之
of Renewal 复苏之
of the Awakening 觉醒之
of the Temple 寺庙之
of Rebirth Bliss 福佑重生之
of Rebirth Paradise 乐园重生之
of Rebirth Harmony 和谐重生之
of Awakening Counsciousness 茅塞顿开之
of Awakening Revalation 启示征兆之
of Awakening Illumination 灵机一动之
of Enlightment 启迪之
